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Work-Life Resources

Oakland University is committed to supporting and promoting a healthy work-life balance. These resources are provided to address the personal, professional, and academic needs of our employees and reflect OU’s recognition of a variety of family structures in the University community.

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance – The Life Advisor Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Ulliance is available to benefit-eligible faculty, staff and their immediate family members. This valuable resource is designed to assist in addressing the many personal and work challenges that we all encounter from time to time.
Examples of provided services include help with managing stress or depression, relationship and parenting challenges, or finding care for an aging parent or a loved one. Short-term counseling, coaching, crisis intervention and community resource referrals are just some of the benefits that are available.

Additional support provided by Life Advisor EAP can include, but is not limited to:

  • Relationship and family concerns
  • The death of a loved one
  • Substance abuse issues
  • A need for eldercare or childcare referrals
  • A need for financial or legal referrals

Life Advisor EAP services are confidential and come at no cost to employees or their spouses, partners or covered dependents. To access services, including 24/7 crisis assistance, covered individuals simply need to call (800) 448-8326 or visit Life Advisor.

We hope that you take advantage of any of the Life Advisor EAP services provided whenever those needs arise. You are a valued part of the university community and we strive to ensure that you remain healthy, well and able to continue making the important contributions you do to our institutional mission and goals.


The University makes available to employees a variety of leave programs. These leave options may be paid or unpaid. Consult the Benefits for more information. Below is a sampling of some of the leaves available:

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leaves – Up to 12 weeks of leave is available to eligible employees for qualified events such as a birth or adoption, personal illness or to care for a family member. Employees should contact Benefits for information and advice on paid and unpaid leaves. Please see the Unum Brochure, Unum Mobile app

Military Leaves – Military leave is afforded to employees who are in the Reserves and ordered to active duty, in accordance with federal law. Further, FMLA leave is provided to eligible employees to address qualifying events, including care for service member who has serious injury or illness in the line of duty.

Short-Term Leave – Faculty members are excused from teaching responsibilities for short period of time to attend professional meetings or for any other reasons recommended by their chairperson and approved by Oakland. In such case the faculty member’s teaching responsibilities shall be covered by a faculty member or by an appropriate assignment to the class. For more information about Bereavement Leave, see paragraph 171b.

Bereavement Leave – Bereavement leave shall be granted to eligible employees and faculty members. Consult paragraph 171b of the Faculty Agreement for additional details about this leave option or your employee contract.

Professional Development and Research Leaves; Fellowship and Grant Opportunities – Faculty may apply for available research grants and professional development leaves. More information about grant support, visit The Research Office website.

Sabbatical Leaves
– Half pay or full pay sabbatical leaves for the purpose of research, study of teaching methods or cognate disciplines may be granted after required years of services for faculty.

Sick Leaves – Eligible employees and faculty may receive paid leave for personal illness or injury. Oakland provides compensation for full time non-visiting faculty who are unable to work due to illness, injury, pregnancy or disability for a period not to exceed six months, with provision of appropriate documentation. Employees should consult their employee contract for information on their sick benefits.


Employee Well-Being Programs and Services – Since 2012, University Recreation and Well-Being has been a leader in providing wellness programs to all university faculty and staff. Diligently focusing on the overall health climate of university employees through aggregate data, we have been able to successfully tailor and offer programs to all staff that allow employees to improve or maintain their overall personal well-being. Wellness programs are available year-round to support an individual's nutritional needs, physical activity and mental health.

Education – Tuition waivers are available at the undergraduate lower, undergraduate upper, graduate and doctoral rates to eligible faculty spouses, dependents, and other qualified adults. See our Tuition Assistance page for more information.

Employee Discount Programs – Benefits-eligible faculty and staff are entitled to participate in the employee discount program involving various University business partners, Meadow Brook Theatre and Meadow Brook Hall, OU Golf and Learning Centers and the OU Recreation Center. Please click the link for discounts available through Ulliance.

Health Care Plans – A summary and comparison of health care plans offered by the University is available on the Benefits Rates and Summaries Page.

Health Insurance Benefits – There are a variety of insurance plans including medical, dental, vision and long term disability with premiums paid by the University or the employee depending on the employee’s status and the type of insurance. For specific information see the benefit summary for your employee group and/or contact the University Benefits and Compensation Office at University Human Resources.

Holidays – The University observes various legal holidays including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving. It is also closed during Winter Recess from December 24 through January 1. For specific information about recess days and paid holidays, consult the collective bargaining agreement or handbook for your employee group.

Retirement Plans – The University offers eligible faculty and staff a defined multiple option contribution retirement plan with an employer paid contribution and the opportunity for employees to contribute to supplemental tax-deferred retirement plans. 

See Faculty Agreement Article XVIII, OUWB Faculty Handbook and Benefits Summaries for more information. Eligible faculty may also apply for up to a 50% reduction in workload for a period not to exceed three years prior to retirement.

Institutional Support for Individuals and Families

Lactation Rooms – Three private lactation rooms are available to provide a clean, secure and comfortable environment for nursing mothers. The rooms are located at: 355A Pawley Hall, 256B Engineering Center and 4080 Human Health Building. To access the Pawley Hall room, get a key from Educational Resources Lab (350 PH) or the Dean’s Office (415 PH). Additional lactation rooms are expected to be added on campus.

Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education – The Lowry Center offers early childhood education programming to children from 18 months to five years of age. It is located in Pawley Hall on the main campus.

The International Students and Scholars Office – The ISSO program is committed to building an international campus through service, support and advocacy to nurture global citizenship and multicultural appreciation. This office is located in 157 North Foundation Hall.

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – The DEI office serves as a resource and is charged with promoting and furthering the university's commitment to the principles of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. This office is located in 203 Wilson Hall.

Disability Support Services and Accessibility – Contact Disability Support Services for information about support for your students with disabilities. In addition to helping students understand university policies and practices, they assist students in addressing personal and academic concerns. This office is located in 103A North Foundation Hall. The Office of Inclusion serves as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator for the University. The Campus Accessibility Map is color-coded and shows the level of accessibility for pathways, buildings, and doors. Accessible parking is also identified. The map is available by request from [email protected].

Veterans Support Services – The Veterans Support Services office provides a supportive, welcoming environment to more than 300 veterans, service members and dependents of veterans. This office is located at 116 North Foundation Hall.

OUCARES – Oakland University Center for Autism Research, Education and Support (OUCARES) provides innovative programs for teachers, programming and counseling for individuals and their families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  The multifaceted approach includes education for professionals, research in the field of autism education and daily living, as well as support services for families. This office is located at 425C Pawley Hall.

Employee Resource GroupsEmployee Resource Groups (ERGs) are volunteer, employee-managed groups that promote the interests of their respective constituency. ERGs are open to all OU employees. Their purpose is to align diverse groups with upper-level employees to promote awareness and enthusiasm for diversity inclusion. More information is available through the Office of Inclusion.

Smoke Free Campus – Oakland University is smoke-free.  Administrative Policy #475 outlines the policy that prohibits smoking on all University owned or operated campuses.

SEHS Counseling Center – The School of Education and Human Services (SEHS) Counseling Center offers personal and career counseling at no cost. It is a teaching and research facility for the counselor education program at OU. The center enables graduate students to integrate and apply counseling theory with practice, as well as provide supervised professional counseling assistance to persons in need. The center is located in 250 Pawley Hall.

Graham Health CenterGraham Health Center provides convenient, affordable, high quality health care right on campus. Staffed by certified Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, GHC provides health care and wellness programs to the campus community. The Graham Health Center is located just north of Meadow Brook Theatre.

OU Counseling Center – The OU Counseling Center provides mental health services, including personal, psychological and career counseling; substance abuse evaluation, treatment, and prevention; and crisis intervention.   The center is located in the Graham Health Center, just north of Meadow Brook Theatre.

Discrimination Policy
Oakland University reaffirms its commitment to equality of opportunity for all persons. In a society that relies on an informed, educated citizenry, no one should be denied the opportunity to attain his or her fullest potential. It is therefore the policy of Oakland University that no person shall be discriminated against based on race, sex, age, handicap, color, religion, creed, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, marital status, or veteran status. The university shall strive to build a community that welcomes and honors all persons and that provides equal opportunity in education and employment. The university shall affirmatively follow the provisions of applicable state and federal anti-discrimination legislation in all of its activities in this area and so reaffirms its policy at this time.

Faculty, staff, students and non-student users of university services who believe their rights have been violated may seek a resolution of the problem through use of the discrimination complaint procedures. This procedure is intended to be responsive to particular situations and to be as formal or informal as allegations dictate. Complaints will be processed equitably and in a timely manner. Complaints should be directed to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at (248) 370-3496.

Other Resources

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) – This is a national organization with a Michigan cohort. It provides links to jobs in higher education across the country, and can assist with spouse/partner placement.

Human Resources

Wilson Hall, Room 401
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-3480

Office hours:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
and by appointment
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